

They are a full hearted embrace between two people, lasting at least 20 seconds, triggering the release of beneficial hormones into the bloodstream.

This natural social bonding chemistry of our body can often be bliss inducing, stress reducing and a fast way to open our hearts, leaving us rejuvenated, energized and our hearts replenished.

It is not enough to merely talk about love or to just believe in it. We have to embody it. Because only then we can know it is real.


Our mission is to provide education on the benefits and use of long lasting hugs and promote their wider adoption in society, bringing about a healthier, happier and better related world.

Our Vision For The Future:

Our vision is a world where people of different race, culture and other perceived separators can freely and safely hug in mutual understanding, connection and peace.

Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LongHugs.org

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